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On Going/Computer Vision

SLAM의 input과 output에 대해 알아보자

by 에아오요이가야 2024. 6. 18.

우선 다양한 종류의 data를 종합하여 environment를 조성한다는 것을 이해해야 한다.


DATA Input


1. LIDAR(light detection and ranging)

- Data : Distance Measurements in the form of point clouds.

- Usage : Provides highly accurate spatial information, useful for building detailed maps.


2. cameras

- Data : Vsual information in the form of images or video streams.

- Usage : Used in visual SLAM to extract features from the environment.


3. IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit)

- Data : Acceleration and roatational rates.

- Usage : Helps estimates the robot's movement and orientation.


4. Sonar/Ultrasonic Sensors)

- Data : Distance measurements using sound waves.

- Usage : Useful for short-range distance measurements in simpler environments.


5. GPS(Global Positioning System)

- Data : global position coordinates.

- Usage : Provides rough localization, typically in outdoor environments.



Data Processing


1. Preprocessing

- Filtering : removes noise from the sensor data.

- Calibration : adjust he sensor data to account for any biases or erros.


2. Feature Extraction

- Visual Features : Detecting and describing key points in images(e.g., using SIFT, SURF, ORB).

- Geometric Features : Extracting shapes and structures from point clouds(e.g., lines, planes) 


3. Data Association

- Matching : Identifying whether features observed at different times correspond to the same physical feature.

- Tracking : Following features over time to estimate the robot's movement


4. State Estimation 

- Localization : Estimating the robot's position and orientation

- Mapping: Constructing a map of the environment.


Data Output


1. Map

- Description : A representation of the environment, which can be 2D or 3D

- Format : bould be in the form of occupancy grids, point clouds or geometic shapes.


2. Robot Pose

- Desciption : The position and orientation of the robot within the map.

- Format : Typically represented as a 3d pose(x, y, z, roll. pitch, yaw)


3. Trajectory

- Description : The path that the robot has traveled over time.

- Format : A sequence of robot poses over time.


4. Environment Features

- Desciption : Key landmarks or features detected in the environment.

- Frmat : points or desciptors that can be used for navigation and further processing.





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